蒋 维
E-mail: jiangwei1007@whu.edu.cn
2015/07-2016/07, 新加坡国立大学数学系,访问学者。
2012/07-2013/06, 北京计算科学研究中心,博士后,导师:包维柱教授。
2010/07-2012/06,新加坡国立大学数学系,博士后,导师:包维柱教授和 David J. Srolovitz 教授。
1. 材料科学中的应用数学问题,主要关注薄膜固态去湿(Solid-State Dewetting), 薄膜表面失稳等相关现象的建模及数值模拟;
2. 几何演化偏微分方程的数值解法,例如:mean curvature flow, surface diffusion 等;
3. 渐近多焦点眼用镜片设计中的应用数学问题;
4. 量子力学中的应用数学问题。
近期代表性论文: (* 通讯作者, # 共同第一作者)
(1). Wei Jiang, Weizhu Bao*, Carl V. Thompson and David J. Srolovitz,"Phase field approach for simulating solid-state dewetting problems", Acta Materialia, 2012, 60:5578-5592.
(2). Wei Jiang*, Yan Wang, Quan Zhao, David J. Srolovitz and Weizhu Bao, “Solid-state dewetting and island morphologies in strongly anisotropic materials”, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 115:123-127.
(3). Weizhu Bao, Wei Jiang*, David J. Srolovitz and Yan Wang, “Stable equilibria of anisotropic particles on substrates: a generalized Winterbottom construction”, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2017, 77:2093-2118.
(4). Weizhu Bao, Wei Jiang*, Yan Wang and Quan Zhao, “A parametric finite element method for solid-state dewetting problems with anisotropic surface energies”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2017, 330: 380-400.
(5). Yan Wang, Wei Jiang*, Weizhu Bao and David J. Srolovitz, “Sharp interface model for solid-state dewetting problems with weakly anisotropic surface energies”, Physical Review B, 2015, 91: 045303.
(6). Quan Zhao#, Wei Jiang#, David J. Srolovitz* and Weizhu Bao, “ Triple junction drag effects during topological changes in the evolution of polycrystalline microstructures”, Acta Materialia, 2017,128:345-350.
(7). Wei Jiang*, Weizhu Bao, Qinglin Tang and Hanquan Wang, "A variational-difference numerical method for designing progressive-addition lenses", Computer-Aided Design, 2014, 48:17-27.
(8). Wei Jiang, Hanquan Wang* and Xianggui Li, "A numerical study of the ground state and dynamics of atomic–molecular Bose–Einstein condensates". Computer Physics Communications, 2013, 184:2396-2407.
(9). Wei Jiang, Zhiping Li*, "A numerical study of the wrinkling evolution of an elastic film on a viscous layer". Modelling and Simulation in Materials Sciences and Engineering, 2009, 17 (055010): 1-19.