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          周进        bet007足球网站


          教授        博导



        电子邮箱:  jzhou AT whu.edu.cn  (请把 AT 替换成 @ )

        专业:    应用数学

        研究方向: 复杂网络、多层网络、同步与控制、拓扑识别、混沌与分岔、非线性系统等等。






        2016.11~      武汉大学 数学与统计学院 教授

        2011.11~2016.10  武汉大学 数学与统计学院 副教授

        2009.09~2011.10  武汉大学 数学与统计学院 讲师

        2017.06~2017.08  澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学 工程学院 访问学者

        2015.01~2016.01  美国加州大学河滨分校 电力与计算机工程系 访问学者

        2007.08~2009.02  香港理工大学 电子与资讯工程学系 助理研究员

        2006.09~2009.07  武汉大学 数学与统计学院 博士

        2003.09~2006.07  武汉大学 数学与统计学院 硕士

        2000.07~2003.07  武汉工业学院 数理系 教师

        1996.09~2000.07  华中师范大学 数学系 学士

        1990.09~1996.07  武汉市第四中学 初高中






        2016年  国家自然科学二等奖

        2014年  武汉大学351人才计划珞珈青年学者

        2013年  湖北省自然科学一等奖

        2011年  全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖

        2010年  湖北省优秀博士论文奖

        2008年  教育部自然科学一等奖







        2018.01~2021.12  国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(61773294)

        2014.01~2017.12  国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(61374173)

        2011.01~2013.12  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(61004096

        2010.07~2012.06  中央高校基金自主科研项目







        已发表论文全部为SCI或EI收录,截至2017 年8 月,据Google Scholar统计所发表论文被国内外引用总计1518次,单篇论文引用前两位分别是596次和487次;据Web of Science 统计,所发表论文引用总计1240次,他引910次,其中本领域著名期刊IEEE Transactions和Automatica (IFAC 会刊) 他引115次,单篇论文引用前两位分别是498次和389次。两篇论文入选2006-2016年ESI高引用率论文。部分论文如下: 


【20】J. Zhou, J. Chen, J. A. Lu and J. H. Lü, "On Applicability of Auxiliary System Approach to Detect Generalized Synchronization in Complex Networks," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3468-3473, 2017.
【19】J. Zhou, J. A. Lu and J. H. Lü, "Adaptive Synchronization of an Uncertain Complex Dynamical Network," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 652-656, 2006. (WoS Cited times: 498
【18】J. Zhou, J. A. Lu and J. H. Lü, "Pinning Adaptive Synchronization of A General Complex Dynamical Network," Automatica, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 996-1003, 2008. WoS Cited times: 389
【17】J. Zhou, W. W. Yu, X. M. Li, M. Small, and J. A. Lu, "Identifying the Topology of a Coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Neurobiological Network via a Pinning Mechanism," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1679-1684, 2009.
【16】J. Zhou, W. W. Yu, X. Q. Wu, M. Small, and J. A. Lu, "Flocking of Multi-agent Dynamical Systems Based on Pseudo-leader Mechanism," Systems and Control Letters, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 195-202, 2012.
【15】J. Zhou, X. Q. Wu, W. W. Yu, M. Small, and J. A. Lu, "Pinning synchronization of delayed neural networks," Chaos, vol. 18, 043111, 2008. 
【14】J. Zhou, X. K. Xu, J. Zhang, J. F. Sun, M. Small and J. A. Lu, "Generating an Assortative Network with A Given Degree Distribution," International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 3495-3502, 2008.
【13】J. Zhou and J. A. Lu. "Topology Identification of Weighted Complex Dynamical Networks," Physica A, vol. 386, no. 1, pp. 481-491, 2007.
【12】J. Zhou, "Criterion for unbounded synchronous region in complex networks," Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, 513871, 2013.
【11】M. M. Xu, *J. Zhou, J. A. Lu,and X. Q. Wu, "Synchronizability of two-layer networks," The European Physical Journal B, vol. 88, 240, 2015. 
【10】徐明明, 陆君安, *周进, "两层星型网络的特征值谱及同步能力," 物理学报, 第65卷, 028902, 2016. 
【9】J. Zhou, J. A. Lu and X. Q. Wu, "Linearly and Nonlinearly Bidirectionally Coupled Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Systems," Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 31, pp. 230–235, 2007. 
【8】M. Small, X. K. Xu, *J. Zhou, J. Zhang, J. F. Sun, and J. A. Lu, "Scale-free Networks which are Highly Assortative but not Small World," Physical Review E, vol. 77, 066112, 2008.
【7】J. Chen, J. A. Lu, *J. Zhou, "Topology identification of complex networks from noisy time series using ROC curve analysis," Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 2013, no. 74, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-013-1102-6, 2013.
【5】X. Q. Wu, W. X. Zheng, and J. Zhou, "Generalized outer synchronization between complex dynamical networks," Chaos, vol. 19, 013109, 2009.
【4】J. F. Sun, J. Zhang, J. Zhou, X. K. Xu, and M. Small, "Detecting Phase Synchronization in Noisy Data from Coupled Chaotic Oscillators," Physical Review E, vol. 77, 046213, 2008.
【3】X. M. Li, M. H. Zeng, J. Zhou, and K. Z. Li, "Hierarchy property of traffic networks," Chinese Physics B, vol. 19, no. 9, 095510, 2010.
【2】J. Zhou, J. A. Lu, J. H. Lü. Adaptive Pinning Synchronization of A General Complex Dynamical Network. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, USA, May 2007.
【1】J. Zhou, J. A. Lu, J. H. Lü. Adaptive Synchronization Criteria of Uncertain Complex Dynamical Networks. IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Dalian, China, Jun 2006, pp 6-10.












Updated Sep 26, 2017  

Copyright by Jin Zhou 

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