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Large-time behavior and convergence rate of the solutions for the bipolar Euler-Poisson ystems
发布时间:2017-12-18     点击次数:
报告题目: Large-time behavior and convergence rate of the solutions for the bipolar Euler-Poisson ystems
报 告 人: 黎野平 教授(华东理工大学)
报告时间: 2017年12月19日 16:00--17:00
报告地点: 数学院东北楼四楼报告厅(404)


In this talk, we are going to address some results about large-time behavior and convergence rates of solutions for the one- and multi-dimensional bipolar Euler-Poisson systems. Moreover, we also present some open problems about the bipolar Euler-Poisson equations.
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